Wensen voor de toekomst (expo video/social media)
client: Lumana Media voor Tabloo, Dessel
production: Lumana Media
camera & drone: Jochen Fuchs
editing/grading: Jochen@raev.
Lamett (aftermovie)
client: Lamett, Passion for Floors
production: Aikon Producties
camera: Pieter Claessens
editing/grading: Jochen@raev.
Belorta (receptenvideo’s)
client: Belorta
production: Aikon Producties
camera: Laurens Van Hove
editing/grading: Jochen@raev.
IOK afvalbeheer (promo)
client: IOK/Fostplus
agency/production: De Firma
regie: Laurens Van Hove
camera: Yves Teuwens
editing: Jochen@raev.
OVB congres (aftermovie)
client: Orde vd Vlaamse Balies
production: Aikon Producties
camera: Laurens Van Hove
editing: Jochen@raev.
We act Local (promo)
client: Sodexo
agency/production: Supermoon
editing/grading: Jochen@raev.
We Invest Directors (promo)
client: We Invest
production: Aikon Producties
ae & editing: Jochen@raev.
De Nieuwe Vesten (promo)
client: Stad Mechelen
production: Aikon Producties
camera: Laurens Van Hove
ae & editing: Jochen@raev.
Getuigen onderweg (sensibiliseringscampagne)
client: Rondpunt vzw
production: Aikon Producties
regie: Arno Costima
camera: Laurens Van Hove
editing/grading: Jochen@raev.
Hoorcentrum Aerts (promo)
client: Hoorcentrum Aerts
production: De Firma
regie: Jochen Fuchs
camera: Yves Teuwens
camera-assistent: Nick Maris
licht: Raf Claes
locatie: Gloria, Herentals
editing/grading: Jochen@raev.
Bingel (videoclip)
client: Van In
production: Aikon Producties
regie: Arno Costima
camera: Laurens Van Hove
camera-assistent: Pieter Claessens
editing: Jochen@raev.
Young Canon (aftermovie)
client: Canon
production: Aikon Producties
camera: Pieter Claessens
editing: Jochen@raev.
Feestvarken Post NL (promo)
client: Feestvarken vzw
agency/production: Supermoon
camera: Laurens Van Hove
editing: Jochen@raev.
Heylen Ceramics (promo)
client: Heylen Ceramics
agency/production: MMBSY
camera: Laurens Van Hove
editing/grading: Jochen@raev.
tvplus (summer ident)
client: lumana.media
agency/production: tvplus
regie: Jochen Fuchs
camera: Laurens Van Hove
camera-assistent: Pieter Claessens
licht: Raf Claes
locatie: Bleyckhof, Oelegem
styling: Tinne Feremans (Elle et Moi)
productie: Leslie De Weyer
editing/grading: Jochen@raev.
40 jaar GAMMA (aftermovie)
client: GAMMA
production: Aikon Producties
editing/grading: Jochen@raev.
Vlaamse Jeugdherbergen (social media promo)
client: Hi Hostels Flanders
agency/production: Supermoon
camera: Laurens Van Hove
editing/grading: Jochen@raev.
La Réserve (promo social)
client: La Réserve
production: Tumultimedia
camera: Laurens Van Hove
drone: Nico Vandepoel
editing/grading: Jochen@raev.
Lu Time-Out (pub)
client: Mondelez / Netherlands
agency: Amphion
production: Aikon Producties
director: Ralf Demesmaecker
editing: Jochen@raev.
grading: Florian Keirse
We Invest (corporate)
client: We Invest
production: Aikon Producties
camera: Laurens Van Hove
editing/grading: Jochen@raev.
Comics Station (pub)
client: Comics Station Antwerp
production: Aikon Producties
camera: Laurens Van Hove
editor: Jochen@raev.
director: Arno Costima & Jochen Fuchs
grading+vfx: The Fridge
Blijziend - Ivan Pecnik (videoclip)
client: Ivan Pecnik
production: Tumultimedia
camera: Laurens Van Hove
editing/grading: Jochen@raev.
Mavenly (corporate)
client: Mavenly (25th Group)
production: Aikon Producties
camera: Laurens Van Hove
editing/grading: Jochen@raev.
Mercedes Benz Certified (pub)
client: Mercedes Benz Certified Store Antwerp
production: Aikon Producties
editing/grading: Jochen@raev.
Veilig shoppen (social media content)
client: SCMS CEUSTERS nv/Wijnegem Shopping Center
camera/editing: Jochen@raev.
Voka Café Content (pub)
client: Voka Kempen/Mechelen
production: Onuitwisbaar Producties
camera/editing/grading: Jochen@raev.
Dag tegen Armoede (social)
client: Stad Mechelen
production: Aikon Producties
camera/editing; Jochen@raev.
E Tuk Tuk (online promo)
client: Kempens Landschap
production: Aikon Producties
camera: Laurens Van Hove
editing/grading: Jochen@raev.
Living Plus (intro)
client: TV Plus
production: De Firma
camera: Daniel Valkenborg
concept/director: Jochen@raev.
editing/grading: Jochen@raev.
Willemen Kumpen Merge (intro event)
client: Willemen
production: Aikon Producties
camera: Laurens Van Hove
editing/grading: Jochen@raev.
IKEA Safe Shoppen (social media content)
client: IKEA België
production: Catchy Productions
camera: Jochen Fuchs
editing/grading: Jochen@raev.
Den Boerenbuiten (online promo)
client: Stad Mechelen
production: Aikon Producties
camera: Laurens Van Hove
editing/grading: Jochen@raev.
Assuropolis - Wolters Kluwer (pub)
client: Wolters Kluwer
production: Aikon Producties
camera: Laurens Van Hove
editing/grading: Jochen@raev.
Canon DS (int. comm.)
client: Canon België
production: Aikon Producties
camera: Laurens Van Hove
editing/grading: Jochen@raev.
Provant.be (intro)
client: Provincie Antwerpen
production: De Firma
camera: Filip Geeraerts
director/editor: Jochen Fuchs
Leybaert (corporate)
client: Leybaert
production: Aikon Producties
camera: Laurens Van Hove
editor: Jochen@raev.
Libelle Lekker (online content)
client: Sanoma België
production: Libelle
camera/editing: Jochen@raev.
Hilti (aftermovie)
client: Hilti België
production: Tumultimedia
camera: Laurens Van Hove
editing: Jochen@raev.
Nee is nee (campaign video)
client: Stad Mechelen
production: Aikon Productions
camera: Laurens Van Hove
editor: Jochen@raev.
Land of Rivers (campaign video)
client: Voka Mechelen
production: De Firma
camera/editor: Jochen Fuchs
Canon Eos R (product video)
client: Canon Belgium
production: Aikon Productions
camera: Laurens Van Hove
editor: Jochen@raev.
Altijd ‘On the Move’ (online promo)
client: Standaard Boekhandel
production: Catchy Productions
camera/editor: Jochen@raev.
Urban Decay (aftermovie)
client: Urban Decay
production: Tumultimedia
camera: Laurens Van Hove
editor: Jochen@raev.
Ormit Innovation Challange (aftermovie)
client: Ormit
production: Aikon Productions
camera: Stefan Daems
editor: Jochen@raev.
25th Group (aftermovie)
client: 25th Group
production: Aikon Productions
camera/editor: Jochen@raev.
Series Lab (event video)
client: Creative Europe Media Desk
production: Tumultimedia
camera: Laurens Van Hove
editor: Jochen@raev.
Kerstshoppen in Mechelen (pub)
client: Stad Mechelen
production: Aikon Producties
camera: Laurens Van Hove
editor/grading: Jochen@raev.
Libelle Zomerliefde (online content)
client: Sanoma België
production: Libelle
editor/grading: Jochen@raev.
Your Kick Off (online promo)
client: Your Kick Off
production: Aikon Producties
camera: Laurens Van Hove
editor/grading: Jochen@raev.
Canon Instameet (aftermovie)
client: Canon Belgium
production: Aikon Producties
camera/editing: Jochen@raev.
ING (climate change campaign)
client: ING België
production: Aikon Producties
editing: Jochen@raev.
Wijnegem After work (aftermovie/promo)
client: Ceusters (Wijnegem Shopping)
production: Raev.
camera/editing: Jochen@raev.
Philips Lighting (promo)
client: Philips Lighting
production: Aikon Producties
editing/grading: Jochen@raev.
Voka Prijs Ondernemen Compilatie (online content)
client: Voka Lokaal
production: De Firma
camera: Laurens Van Hove/Yves Teuwens/Jochen Fuchs
director/editor: Jochen Fuchs
Canon Elle Party (aftermovie)
client: Canon België
production: Aikon Producties
camera: Laurens Van Hove
editing/grading: Jochen@raev.